In God, My Faithful God

“In God, My Faithful God” (Auf meinen lieben Gott), text Germany (c. 1590). Tune (Auf meinen lieben Gott) by Jacob Regnart (1574). Setting by Johann Hermann Schein (1682). Homophonic, SATB.
All My Heart This Night Rejoices

“All My Heart This Night Rejoices” (Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen), text by Paul Gerhardt (1653). Tune by Johann Crüger (1653). Setting by Johann Crüger (1653). Homophonic, SATB.
Salvation unto Us Has Come

“Salvation unto Us Has Come” (Es ist das Heil uns kommen her), text by Paul Speratus (1524). Setting by Johannes Eccard (1597). Polyphonic, SATTB.
Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands (Walter)

“Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands” (Christ lag in Todesbanden), text and tune by Martin Luther (1524). Setting by Johann Walter (1525). Polyphonic, SATTB.
Christ Is Arisen (BWV 276)

“Christ Is Arisen” (Christ ist erstanden), text anonymous (c.1150). Tune traditional Austrian (c.1000-1500). Chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach (BWV 276). Homophonic, SATB.
Awake, My Heart, with Gladness (Crüger)

“Awake, My Heart, with Gladness” (Auf, auf, mein Herz, mit Freuden), text by Paul Gerhardt (1647). Tune by Johann Crüger (1648). Setting by Johann Crüger (1649). Homophonic, SATB.
One Thing’s Needful (BWV 304)

“One Thing’s Needful” (Eins ist not, ach Herr, dies Eine), text by Johann Heinrich Schröder (1695). Tune (O Rosidore, edele Flore) attr. Adam Krieger (1665). Chorale setting by Johann Sebastian Bach (BWV 304). Homophonic, SATB.
Jesus, Lord of Day and Night

“Jesus, Lord of Day and Night” text by Anna Hahn (2023). Tune (Jesu Christ, mein Abendherr) and setting by Nathanael Hahn (2023). Homophonic, SATB.
In Thee Alone, O Christ, My Lord

“In Thee Alone, O Christ, My Lord” (Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ), text by Johannes Schneesing (1540). Setting by Johann Hermann Schein (1645). Polyphonic, SATB.
Hymn for All Hours

“Hymn for All Hours” (Hymnus Omnis Horae), text by Aurelius Clemens Prudentius (348-c.413). Tune traditional Latin. Setting by Michael Praetorius (Hymnodia Sionia 28, 1611). Polyphonic, SATB.