Now Do We Pray God the Holy Ghost (Walter)

Setting by Johann Walter

“Now Do We Pray God the Holy Ghost” (Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist), text st. 1 German, st. 2-4 Martin Luther (1524). Setting by Johann Walter (1524). Polyphonic, SATTB.
Recording of stanzas 1 and 2. Mount Hope Lutheran School Kammerchor, February 2023.

The melody appears twice in this impressive 5-part setting, as Walter made it into a canon between the Alto and the Vagans (Tenor 2) at a fifth apart. The three other voices each begin by quoting the opening notes of the hymn and then turn into counter-melodies that imitate each other while providing harmonic support to the chorale tune.

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Alto practice track
Tenor 1 practice track
Tenor 2 practice track
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